ou will have. As for me personally, I still keep close contact with the contestants whom I met through every level of the competition, we call each other from time to time just to chat, and we help each other out when we can.
?Last but not least, the opportunities hidden along the way. When we step out of the ivory tower, we can't help but ask ourselves, with all I have learned, what can i do to contribute to the community? With all the skills I have learned, what can I do to acheive my personal best? We don't need Thomas Friedman to tell us that the world is flat, we know that inside and outside China there are millions of institutions crying for internationalized talents. We need the right platform to offer what we have, and learn the things that will keep us as the eliete of the society. I am very grateful to be offered a job at Lenovo, at which I am exposed to the world and having my own voice heard. As the year of 2008 is drawing near, since Lenovo is the official world wide