How to Change a Bad Mood 如何改变坏心情
Try healthy,outdoor activities.
?Hit a bookstore or a library.
?Hit the mall or see a movie.
?Buy yourself or someone else a special treat.
?Listen to inspiring misic.
?Listen to the sounds of nature in a park.
?The positive results will amaze you.
?Fourth,seek out a loyal friend.
?Seek a buddy who can listen.
?Companionship relieves low spirits.
?Talk about your troubles.
?Talk about anything at all.
?Share your feelings and your bad mood will fade.
?A bad mood is like an anchor.
?A bad mood will sink you in the mud.
?Use friends to break the chains of a bad mood.
?Finally,let me leave you with these words.
?They are from Abraham Lincoln.
?They are priceless words of advice.
?You control how you feel.
?You determine your thoughts.
?You must create your own happiness.
?Bad moods are inevitable.
?Take action to fight then.
?Take the initiative and shake them off.



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